Monday 6 June 2016

Hey! I'm Back!

بِسۡـــــــــمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡـمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِـــــــيمِ


Well, again.Maybe i should change this blog name into " One year one entry"? jkjk..bukan tak dak masa nak update i've got plenty of time to spend here if i want actually, but the problem is i lack of ideas. So today i'm gonna share something with these blog viewers. 

  Few month before is a very tough month for me fyi. Happiness? Sadness? Laugh? Cry? Moody? Stress? Disappoint? Everything! Yes, everything. Well as u can see most of it is negative feeling. These few days there so much thing i've been thinking about. Friendship? Life? Further study? and else. And i can feel the change in myself tho. Still not sure is it a good or bad change?? People said, " when u are getting older, u will faced many kind of emotion" i bet it is true. Maybe i'm getting older now? And being so emo these  days maybe part of it? After all of these, i still hope that i have someone to share my story? Hahahahaha guess what? Pendam sorang sorang is better. Friends? Ya i know they are always with me.

So hey buat apa nak moody lama lama kan? hahaha.. Since dah masuk bulan Ramadhan ni.. let's start something new :)) .. and i got very very very very happy story to tell u guys tapi tunggu next entry ;) kena cerita dekat member semua dulu then baru share sini hahaha.. Alright, so kami nak share sikit about my further study..

FYI, yang mana tak tahu lagi, kami sambung Form 6 at HSBM ( google sendiri nama sekolah tu ) .. Ramai yang kata form6 ni susah la itu la ini la.. since i dnt get any tawaran for IPTA so i guess this is the right choice for me hehe.. Kami tak bersorangan hahaha my geng also there but Mai tanak sambung form6 and still waiting for rayuan.. Before masuk form 6 ni kami banyak jugak la tanya dekat senior-senior yang dah merasa macam mana form 6  ni.. Alhamdulillah depa still hidup lepas STPM ^^ In sha Allah, Allah akan permudahkan urusan kami form 6 ni.. kena usaha lebih wehh tadak dah main-main (ya ka? emm bukan boleh percaya sangat kalau aku kata macam tu xD) and yang paling penting, focus masa depan.

Done with my further study now nak ucapkan SELAMAT BERPUASA kepada semua Muslimin dan Muslimat seluruh dunia.. semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih bermakna dari tahun-tahun yang sebelumnya hehe and kalau boleh la kan tak perlu kot nak ber-DONE sangat dekat socmeds tu hahaha jkjk puasa penuh kay bagi kaum adam :D Thats all for today, hope u guys enjoy my entry this time.. and stay tuned! sebab akan ada satu lagi story susul lepas ni hehehe..
